I never thought my husband would ask me to buy him primping stuff, although I’m aware that he is vain.
This act of vanity started last July when he asked me to buy him sunscreen lotion, masculine wash, shower gel, toner, facial wash and placenta soap. I knew it already, that the main reason behind these cramming was his dark skin.
He was just ‘moreno’ before the election campaign, but now his skin gets darker because of the harmful sun exposure. Since he spends most of his time in the field, he asked if I could get him sunscreen with higher SPF. Good thing Hawaiian Tropic Sun block lotion has SPF 70.
My hubby is using Nivea Shower gel and Loreal Facial wash, even if it’s a bit pricey I can’t do anything, he preferred these brands. I also bought him Master cleanser with grains and placenta soap for extra facial care. Other than above-mentioned products, my favorite is the FRESHMAN masculine wash, LOL.
I first heard of this brand from my male office-mate during our stay in Catanduanes, since it’s new and there was a brand recall there was this time I spotted it at Rustan’s Supermarket, I never think twice, I grabbed it and gave it to my husband. Of course my hubby tried it and he said it feels cool and fresh. Just like feminine wash I guess.
Anyway, it is enjoyable taking care of my hubby. I’m also glad and pleased that he cares for himself too.